Swiss Army Man


Swiss Army Man is a movie that tells a story involving magical realism. The main character is stranded and it seems he has been for some time now. He is about to take drastic measures when he sees a corpse wash up on shore and this corpse who is later named Manny, ends up saving his life. There is a bond between the two men that go all the way until the end of the movie. This movie would've been ordinary had it not been for the super powers Manny had that made him a human swiss army knife. 
This movie left me a little confused as far as the story goes and whether Manny was real or just a figment of imagination. But I think with everything in this movie, it needs to be taken at face value and you just need to watch and observe what is happening. I think the cinematography was good and compared to some other movies we have watched, there were more wide shots which really show what is going on. My favorite part was when they were building the whole bus scene and trying to convince Manny he was inlove with the girl. I thought the cinematography and the music choice was really well done because it allowed for a really endearing moment between the two characters. This also helped to develop the relationship between the characters and make the audience feel something towards them. I thought the slight love story was also interesting because while I think it could've been pushed forward more, it was a good amount. The ending was bittersweet when Manny left but he saved a life and moved on.


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