An Overall Class Reflection

     Going into this class, I didn't exactly know what to expect because I wasn't a huge fan of movies. However, after taking this class, I cannot escape the analytical side when watching movies and I always try to notice the camera work and storytelling and I think it makes movies more interesting. Most of the films in class I had never seen before and so it was interesting to watch them with fresh eyes and be able to analyze them for the first time. I feel like it also helped to hold my attention better because I wasn't rewatching any films I had already seen. 

    My two favorite films watched in this class were Get Out and Moonlight. These were also the films where I noted the creative choices the most and could see all the efforts put into the movies. I also have an inclination to rewatch these films and see what I pick up on the second time that I didn't pick up on the first time. I like analyzing the scenes because it really helped pinpoint certain parts of the movie that I liked the best or what was most effective with storytelling, cinematography, and cultural relevance. 

    Even in the film I wasn't the biggest fan of, I was still able to appreciate the acting or the camera work that went into in and understand why other people like it. This class has made me enjoy watching movies more and I find myself spending more free time finding a movie to watch at home. I still have yet to watch most of the classics but I think that's something I can tackle one at a time. I was previously a person that would rewatch the same movies over and over again because I knew what was good and what I liked. However, it was limiting my movie watching experience and the possibility to find something new that was just as great.

    Overall, I liked this class and the movies that we watched. I thought I developed new skills on how to analyze movies and understand what people find so captivating when watching a film for the first time. I will most likely continue to rewatch my tried and true movies, but won't hesitate to throw on something new and broaden my horizons. 


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