Rear Window

     Personally, I do not normally like older movies as I just can't get over the camera quality or lack of effects which make it hard to watch. However, I did enjoy watching Rear Window and it made me realize how many other things are based off this movie. One of my favorite mystery shows has an episode with the exact plotline and the woman even dresses like Grace Kelly in the show which I did not understand until now. Also, a book I recently read is also based off this movie, however, the main character has a fear of the outdoors rather than a physical injury. I think this concept was creative and clearly popular as it has been used for other shows, movies, and books. 

    The plot moved a little slow at first but it helped to build a slow rising action. Once it was revealed that Jeffries was suspicious of his neighbor, it was all about setting the scene and building evidence that the audience thought was believable. Also, the camera angle helped to build suspense in the film because it was just shown from Jeffries perspective up until the end when the dog dies and we are given a different angle. We are then able to see the neighbors up close and get a sense into their lives and emotions. I think the director chose to put this in their right before the action scene because it helped to build connections with the characters. It also emphasized that we never really got to see what was going on behind closed doors, we only got a glimpse of it through the windows.

    Lastly, I thought it was interesting when Jeffries discusses the ethical dilemma of spying on people in their own personal space. This showed a lot more depth into Jeffries character as well as gave us insight into Hitchcock's personal feelings about this situation. It made me question what I think about the ethics of what Jeffries is doing. While it is wrong to invade people's privacy, in this situation, the positives outweighed the negatives because they were able to uncover a killer and possibly prevent a murder from happening again. Jeffries shouldn't have been spying in the first place regardless of his boredom, but the outcome justified the ethical issues with this situation. 


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