
 Hi everyone! My name is Julia Siston and I'm a senior here at NCC.

I'm taking this film class to fulfill a gen-ed requirement and also learn more about film and film making. Typically, I don't like watching movies because they don't hold my attention. I normally opt for a tv show because it's a shorter length and I can get more invested in characters throughout a whole season rather than a single movie. I like all kinds of tv shows whether it be crime/mystery or reality tv. However, I am open to learning more about movies and hopefully shift my current mindset. 

My favorite movies of all time are La La Land and Gone Girl...two very different genres. I love the production, set design, music, and cinematography in La La Land. This was the first movie I ever watched where I was thinking about the characteristics of film making rather than just watching the movie at a high level. I think the story is brilliant and I like that it's told throughout each season and the colors in the movie correspond and change throughout the storyline. Hopefully there will be more films in this class that make me notice camera angles and colors and cinematography. Gone Girl on the other hand is an amazing psychological thriller. I have rewatched this movie over 10 times and I would recommend it to anyone. Each time I've watched it, I was able to pick up on something new that I hadn't noticed before and that's what I absolutely love about this movie. It's not a traditional suspense movie and I think the plot of the movie is different than most out there, especially at the time it came out. I would highly recommend either of these movies depending on what sounds more interesting to you. 


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