Get Out

    I thorougly enjoyed the suspense and storyline of this film. It would be a good film to go back and watch a second or third time to be able to pick up on different things because I felt there was so much detail in the film. The storytelling and acting was great in the film and I thought the whole psychological thriller plot was a great choice. The mom being a hypnotist and the whole family being crazy was a really good shift in the plot. It was obvious in the beginning of the film that something was up with the family, but I didn't pick up any of the clues that some of my classmates did about the daughter being in on the whole scheme. I felt the pace of the movie was perfect which was something I had an issue with in the last two movies, but I thought the groundwork was laid in the first hour and then all the action and suspense came about in the second half. I also loved the foreshadowing in this film with the deer and even Chris talking about the way his mom died foreshadowed the ending with Rose. I'm sure there would be more things I'd pick up on if I watched it again.

I think what really helped tell the story was the cinematography. The choice of camera placement was really evident in the shots where the mom is hypnotising Chris when the camera zooms in on the tea cup. It normally always flashed to a closeup of Chris being scared and in a hypnotic state which helped the audiene associate those two things. Also, the camera angles with the deer were very well thought out. In the beginning when the deer is hit, we get a slow and suspenseful zoom where we are seeing it from Chris' persepctive. Then when Chris is captured, we get the same slow zoom on the deer on the wall which helped foreshadow the events that were about to happen. This cintematography helped draw a very clear parallel between the two scenes and helped to tell the story and build suspense. There are so many other scenes where the camera angles could be analyzed like the fruit loops and milk scene or the falling scene in the hypnotic state because all of them were so effective. 

    I think the cultural significance of this movie was a really modern and thought provoking take on slavery. Throughout the beginning of the movie, it is evident from the father and the rest of the family that there are small microaggressions where they talk about their black friends, or Obama, or claim that the black workers didn't look a certain way. All signs of benevolent racism. Then there was the auction scene where Chris gets auctioned off which symbolizes the old slave auctions. Lastly, the fact they were capturing all these black people to save the white people and work for them is the most obvious sign. It was impossible not to notice the racial cues in this movie and I felt the directors did a great job making it clear.  


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